

Meet Wendy K Laidlaw

World's #1 Expert On Healing Endometriosis Naturally & Embracing Emotions Training & A Best Selling Author.

"I started Heal Endometriosis Naturally over 8 years ago following my own success at putting my endometriosis into remission. I aimed to create a holistic and integrative support organization that could inspire, "spread the gospel" of hope and healing naturally, and educate women to learn the power they have over their own bodies.

Over the last 8 years what I have created has evolved and branched out past primarily addressing the physical factors of illness. I now have a movement that is delving deeper into emotions; addressing areas such as emotional strength, personal awareness, parts, the past and what ‘empowerment’ really means.

The 'emotional' aspect of my journey was incredibly challenging yet profound. The work and growth I had was instrumental in my healing so I feel it is my mission to inspire women and educate them about the importance of embracing emotions and the messages and meaning that are inherent within them. Hundreds of women have already experienced the benefits of doing so!"

Meet Wendy K Laidlaw

World's #1 Expert On Healing Endometriosis Naturally & Embracing Emotions Training & Multi-Best-Selling Author.

"I started Heal Endometriosis Naturally over 8 years ago after my own success at putting my endometriosis into remission naturally. Doctors said it couldn't be done but I had no choice. I was chronically ill, bedridden and near total organ failure.  That's how the surgical route affected me.

I was passionate to find another way and although it was challenging I figured out The 5 P's (Poisons) that needed looked at and then worked with my body to help it heal.

I then aimed to create a holistic and integrative support organization that could inspire, "spread the gospel" of hope and healing naturally, and educate women to learn the power they have over their own bodies.

Over the last 8 years what I have created has evolved and branched out past primarily addressing the physical factors of illness. I now have a movement that is delving deeper into emotions; addressing areas such as emotional strength, personal awareness, parts, the past and what ‘empowerment’ really means.

The 'emotional' aspect of my journey was incredibly challenging yet profound. The work and growth I had was instrumental in my healing so I feel it is my mission to inspire women and educate them about the importance of embracing emotions and the messages and meaning that are inherent within them. Hundreds of women have already experienced the benefits of doing so!"

Wendy K Laidlaw is the world's #1 endometriosis naturally expert, an international best selling author, certified coach, Founder & CEO of and, and helping to empower women back to full health.

Wendy put her own Stage IV Endometriosis and Adenomyosis conditions into remission after suffering for over 33 years. After she had exhausted the conventional medical route with 6 surgeries, countless drugs and painkillers she became sicker and sicker, ending up disabled and bedridden for many years with adhesions, cysts, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and a Mitochondria dysfunction.

After retraining (from her bed) in a nutritional therapy, psychotherapy and psychology, Wendy managed to identify the underlying causes of the inflammation and hormonal imbalance - found a natural way out through her developing her 'Laidlaw Protocols' and made a vow to help other women out of suffering.

Using a whole body, whole person, multi-modal holistic approach, Wendy helps clients identify The 5 P's (poisons) that may be stopping the healing process; toxic food, products, environment and relationships.

Wendy now helps other Endometriosis sufferers reduce and then eliminate their pain, symptoms and suffering through her Podcast, books and online Programs, so they can go back to living their life and become a Boss of their Endometriosis - an EndoBoss®!

Learn more and download a FREE Report called the Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at; Https:// 

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It's what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead."  

- Nelson Mandela

What difference will you make?

You are not here by accident but to grow and step into your unique life changing purpose.

Learn more below...


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I had my first monthly cycle at age eleven, and it was awful. Unlike all my school friends, right from the beginning I was in endless pain every month. I was officially diagnosed with severe stage IV endometriosis at fifteen years old.

For the next 30 years, I would come to dread my period. The dragging sensations in my pelvis would travel down my legs, around my lower back, and the headaches would turn into migraines. I would always experience heavy flow and flooding of dark red, thick blood clots every period. I was always tired, exhausted, and out of energy.

After all, I was not only fighting the pain of endometriosis but running a full-time business, looking after my family, and keeping my house in order.

Despite being so unwell, I was relentless with myself. Rest was not an option. I had conditioned myself to keep pushing on and on. I put everyone else's needs before my own, and yet there was no else there to support me. My toxic work environment and marriage was destroying me.

I was in and out of hosptial and constantly on painkillers and drugs that did nothing to abate the severe pain and symptoms. I had six surgeries that only ended up making my condition worse.

So, as if in an act of protest, my body literally went on strike...

My endometriosis flared up so badly that I became totally bedridden and I developed seven additional conditions including adenomyosis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. I was forced to wind up my business. I could not leave the house; even going to the toilet was an immense struggle.

I was in this state for multiple years and at one point, medical tests showed that I was near total organ failure...

I was in a bad way.

Yet, something within me refused to give up. After some very dark moments, a series of epiphanies, and a lot of time with my thoughts, I gradually began to question things...

"I can't keep trying the same thing (painkillers, drugs & surgery) and expect a different result. Surely there has to be another way out. After all, the body is always wanting to heal. All the other women in my family besides my mother were free of endometriosis so surely this cannot be genetic."

These questions created desperate curiosity within me. I used what little energy I had to research on the internet and read. I retrained from my bed in nutritional therapy, psychotherapy and psychology. 

Bit by bit I gradually began to piece together a picture of what I thought was keeping me ill, and making me progressively worse.

I had nothing to lose so I tried everything. Through trial and error, and further research this picture became clearer and I slowly got better.

Now, today, I am completely pain and symptom free having put endometriosis and my other seven conditions into complete remission.
I had my first monthly cycle at age eleven, and it was awful. Unlike all my school friends, right from the beginning I was in endless pain every month. I was officially diagnosed with severe stage IV endometriosis at fifteen years old.

For the next 30 years, I would come to dread my period. The dragging sensations in my pelvis would travel down my legs, around my lower back, and the headaches would turn into migraines. I would always experience heavy flow and flooding of dark red, thick blood clots every period. I was always tired, exhausted, and out of energy.

After all, I was not only fighting the pain of endometriosis but running a full-time business, looking after my family, and keeping my house in order.

Despite being so unwell, I was relentless with myself. Rest was not an option. I had conditioned myself to keep pushing on and on. I put everyone else's needs before my own, and yet there was no else there to support me. My toxic work environment and marriage was destroying me.

I was in and out of hosptial and constantly on painkillers and drugs that did nothing to abate the severe pain and symptoms. I had six surgeries that only ended up making my condition worse.

So, as if in an act of protest, my body literally went on strike...
My endometriosis flared up so badly that I became totally bedridden and I developed seven additional conditions including adenomyosis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. I was forced to wind up my business. I could not leave the house; even going to the toilet was an immense struggle.

I was in this state for multiple years and at one point, medical tests showed that I was near total organ failure...

I was in a bad way.

Yet, something within me refused to give up. After some very dark moments, a series of epiphanies, and a lot of time with my thoughts, I gradually began to question things...

"I can't keep trying the same thing (painkillers, drugs & surgery) and expect a different result. Surely there has to be another way out. After all, the body is always wanting to heal. All the other women in my family besides my mother were free of endometriosis so surely this cannot be genetic."

These questions created desperate curiosity within me. I used what little energy I had to research on the internet and read. I retrained from my bed in nutritional therapy, psychotherapy and psychology. 

Bit by bit I gradually began to piece together a picture of what I thought was keeping me ill, and making me progressively worse.

I had nothing to lose so I tried everything. Through trial and error, and further research this picture became clearer and I slowly got better.

Now, today, I am completely pain and symptom free having put endometriosis and my other seven conditions into complete remission.
My healing journey wasn't a miracle or some magical quick fix. If you read my book, How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally, you will understand that it was tough, scary and far from easy.

There were complications, struggles, set backs and frustration. I didn't know if there was anything that could make me better. Lots of what I did try didn't work or made me worse.

Ultimately, I identified that the primary underlying causes of my endometriosis were inflammation and hormonal imbalance. From there I realised that those factors and my other conditions were being perpetuated by a variety of toxins in my environment that I came to categorise as the 'Five Poisons' or the '5 Ps':

Produce (food, etc.)
Products (cosmetics, etc.)
Property (asbestos, etc.)
People (abusive relationships, etc.)
Past (trauma, etc.)

So, systematically I was able to address these elements. It took weeks to see small changes, months for significant improvements and years before I was fully better. But looking back I am truly grateful for these challenges as they helped me learn more deeply and truly uncover what was keeping me ill...
Many women are told by the medical field, gynaecologists, the media and a variety of natural health practitioners that endometriosis is 'incurable' - and a life sentence.

You have huge influence over your own body if you are willing to expand your awareness, listen to the right information and education sources, and switch to a more holistic approach.

I have proven many people wrong, including dozens of medical professionals. My healing demonstrated that you can turn the sickest of bodies around. And it wasn't luck or fluke. My own success and healing is just one of many examples; through my protocols, thousands of other women have demonstrated the powerful healing ability of the body...
"All my pain and endo is gone - and I have photos to confirm it too!"
Joanna, USA

(Click above image to watch Joanna's testimonial)

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"Pain-free and moved to my dream city and my dream job!"
Candace, USA

(Click above image to watch Candace's testimonial)

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"From bedridden to walking along the beach with my nieces"
Jessica, UK

(Click above image to watch Jessica's testimonial)

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"I never thought it was possible but look at me now!"
Barbara, Canada

(Click above image to watch Barbara's testimonial)

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"Free from crippling pain after being bedridden for 2 years!"
Julie C., USA

(Click above image to watch Julie C's testimonial)

(Click the above image to enlarge)

"I wish I had met you years ago..."
Heather, USA

(Click above image to watch Heather's testimonial)

(Click the above image to enlarge)


About Wendy & Her 'How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally' Book

Dr Sally Shultz MD.

Dr Sally Schultz MD.

"(Wendy) Will Make A Positive Difference in Your Life"

"Wendy is an inspiration and so passionate about helping women with endometriosis out of pain and achieve the success she has had herself.  

It has not been an easy journey for her but she is a testament to all the hard work, retraining and research she has done to have conquered the condition and put it in remission.

Wendy's online programs and book 'Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery' are very helpful to women who are suffering with endometriosis. 
Wendy's unique approach will make a positive difference in your life and in your health."

Dr Tony Coope MD.

Dr Tony Coope MD.

"She [Wendy] Will Change Your Life For Good"

"It is marvellous the work Wendy is doing freeing women from the clutches of the Endometriosis condition and helping them conquer it naturally. 

You would never think Wendy had endometriosis, adenomyosis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by looking at her now. 

It is a testament to her vision that she continues sharing not only her own success but the success of the many other women she has helped be pain-free around the Globe.

If you get the chance to work with Wendy she will change your body and life for good."

Dr Patrick Flynn DC.

Dr Patrick Flynn MD.

"Our Bodies Are Genetically Programmed To Be Healthy"

"Your book 'Heal Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs or Surgery' is a wonderful book. 

I love what you are doing and how you are helping women put endometriosis into remission naturally with your online Programs. You’ve done an amazing job in getting women in the right direction.  

We both think differently to the gynaecological  medical mainstream model. 

We are carpenters, so we understand reversal and let the body regenerate as our bodies are genetically programmed to be healthy."

Dr Sally Shultz MD.

Dr Sarah Myhill MBBS.

"Wendy's Put Recovery In The Grasp of All"

"Wendy describes the miserable symptoms and signs of endometriosis, moving on to the pathophysiology of such. This is vital because the road recovery is not an easy path to walk – it requires major lifestyle changes. 

As a previous sufferer, Wendy has walked this path, and like so many on similar journeys, taken many wrong turns. But her experience can now lead you along the shortest and most direct route. 

Importantly she guides you around the terrible pitfalls which may cause irreversible damage. 

The tools of the trade she employs are standard naturopathic techniques: diet, supplements, detoxification regimes, enzymes, herbals, physicals and psychologicals, all of which have a fine evidence base and are of proven benefit. 

More importantly, Wendy has established the essential naturopathic tools which put recovery in the grasp of all sufferers.
She weaves these threads together to provide the tapestry and inspiration so that you can, and you must, just do it!

Wendy supplies the intellectual imperatives to give you the will to change because change you must, and change you will!"

Dr Tony Coope MD.

Dr Kim Jobst MA.

"This Book Is An Invaluable Guide"

"This is a book worth many times it's weight in gold. In my opinion, this book and the treasure within it is a game-changer. 

Whilst it may appear to be for women suffering with endometriosis please understand that it is about so much more than this.

Whilst many believe that endometriosis is incurable without significant pharmaceutical and/or surgical intervention, Wendy Laidlaw shares her own journey and that of other women that she has worked with and now many more with whom she works, and demonstrates that there is another way, that that way works, and that it is a way that is open to every woman seeking to return themselves to vibrant health and vitality. 

But it is more than that.  

My lifetime in medicine, science and healing has brought home to me that every symptom and every disease has meaning, meaning that is unique to the individual. 

Wendy Laidlaw is a living example of this and this book an invaluable guide and inspiration that enables meaning to be found and to be used to heal and to thrive.

Many, many people are already indebted to Wendy for her work. I believe countless more will continue to be grateful for generations to come."

Dr Patrick Flynn DC.

Dr Manju Rentala MD.

"Also A Valuable Asset To Health Practitioners"

"Wendy Laidlaw's book takes a comprehensive look at endometriosis from a holistic viewpoint

The book is extremely insightful and well written and really opened my eyes to what is possible when you approach the healing of endometriosis from a 'whole body' and holistic view point.

Women suffering from endometriosis will benefit greatly from reading this book in its entirety. 

Highly recommend this book to any woman who is struggling with endometriosis or adenomyosis or infertility and desires to learn more about this topic. 

This book would be also a valuable asset to the many health practitioners who treat patients with endometriosis regularly and repeatedly. 

I thought it was very useful from even a medical view of point. This information is important, empowering and enlightening to all women who suffer.

Everyone in the gynaecological medical field or any woman with a diagnosis or unexplained pelvic pain should read this book for it will change lives."

Dr Anh Nguyen MPharm.

"Her Book Is Well Researched & Helps Address The Underlying Root Causes"

"Wendy is one of the kindest, most caring people I have ever met. She is also very passionate about helping women with endometriosis naturally. 

Her story of healing is incredible; going from completely bedridden in pain with no doctors able to help her, to NOW vibrantly thriving and helping people all around the world. 

And she did it all on her own!

Her book is well-researched and helps to address the underlying root causes of endometriosis so that you can heal yourself from a cellular level, instead of just masking the symptoms.

I highly recommend her book if you're looking for a natural and effective way to free yourself from the constant debilitating pelvic pain that drags you down, the heavy flows, the clots and cramps, the bloating, and the suffering you've been experiencing.

Also, if you feel like you need someone to personally guide you on your journey to healing endometriosis, I would suggest you contact Wendy immediately to work with her so that you can soon be on your way to having the health and life of your dreams."

"Her Book Is Well Researched & Helps Address The Underlying Root Causes"

Dr Anh Nguyen MPharm.

I used to be so SUPER sensitive to the world, my environment and the people around me.

Many of my family and friends said there was something wrong with me. That I was too sensitive.

I could walk into a room and pick up on the negative energy of anyone and tap into their sadness or anger and sometimes I felt so overwhelmed I wanted to hide away from everyone and everything.

So I developed an ability to ignore and switch off. I would default into a deep busyness and people pleasing activities. I was surround by toxic relationships which took from me but gave nothing back.

All of this was tough on my mind and body. I was severly depressed and on multiple occassions I contemplated whether it was worth carrying on.

I was chronically worn down both emotionally and physically and as I got older the effects started to show through. My emotional distress would ultimately contribute signicicantly to my severe physical illnesses.

And, of course the particular part of my journey that I found most challenging was addressing the final two Poisons; People and Past. It tends to be the most challenging component for all women I work with too. 

Dealing with the first three Poisons for me was relatively 'easy'. It made logical sense that what I ate, put on my body and had in my environment could impact my health.

But the idea that emotions, toxic relationships and past trauma could impact my health seemed preposterous and slightly condescending. I mistakenly made the assumption that by embracing these ideas, I was saying that it was all in my head.
It would take me years to appreciate the importance of these final two Poisons but I finally realised how critical they were.

And it turns out, addressing these aspects would have the most notable positive impact on my health and my life.

Of course my illness wasn't in my head. It was undeniabaly real. But that didn't mean that emotions and seemingly 'intangible' subconscious factors didn't impact my health.

After all, you have to remember that everything is manifested physically. Emotions are the result of complex biological interactions in the brain. Trauma is stored deep in the folds of the brain. And the brain is connected to the body.

I had been through so much from a very young age and it was weighing heavil on me.

Through great struggle, learning, therapy, and experimentation I gradually began to sift through old beliefs, false narratives, trauma, my emotions that I had so expertly distracted myself from and my parts that were entangled and at odds with one another.

This was tough. It took much more work and effort than the 'physical stuff' such as food. And, just like I keep eating well, I still work on my emotional health every day. In fact, I have too otherwise, just as you wouldn't stop brushing your teeth, I could slip back.

Importantly though, I feel the most content I ever have and my mind and spirit feels at peace and in balance. This came with increasing my self-awareness and connectedness with my emotions and parts. It came with dealing with the past and even now, dealing with things that come up. It came with putting in boundaries and managing my toxic relationships.

This is why I do what I do and it is why I don't just talk about the physical aspects of healing. I share the impact of emotions, people and past with you so you do not have to endure the decades of suffering and can not only improve your healing, but crucially, embrace the wisdom, gifts and purpose that lies within you.
It would take me years to appreciate the importance of these final two Poisons but I finally realised how critical they were.

And it turns out, addressing these aspects would have the most notable positive impact on my health and my life.

Of course my illness wasn't in my head. It was undeniabaly real. But that didn't mean that emotions and seemingly 'intangible' subconscious factors didn't impact my health.

After all, you have to remember that everything is manifested physically. Emotions are the result of complex biological interactions in the brain. Trauma is stored deep in the folds of the brain. And the brain is connected to the body.

I had been through so much from a very young age and it was weighing heavil on me.

Through great struggle, learning, therapy, and experimentation I gradually began to sift through old beliefs, false narratives, trauma, my emotions that I had so expertly distracted myself from and my parts that were entangled and at odds with one another.

This was tough. It took much more work and effort than the 'physical stuff' such as food. And, just like I keep eating well, I still work on my emotional health every day. In fact, I have too otherwise, just as you wouldn't stop brushing your teeth, I could slip back.

Importantly though, I feel the most content I ever have and my mind and spirit feels at peace and in balance. This came with increasing my self-awareness and connectedness with my emotions and parts. It came with dealing with the past and even now, dealing with things that come up. It came with putting in boundaries and managing my toxic relationships.

This is why I do what I do and it is why I don't just talk about the physical aspects of healing. I share the impact of emotions, people and past with you so you do not have to endure the decades of suffering and can not only improve your healing, but crucially, embrace the wisdom, gifts and purpose that lies within you.

Now I recognise my sensitivity as my super power!

I am far more emotionally connected to myself compared to my old self who was chronincally depressed and on the verge of suicide at certain points of my life.

I have addressed many of the poisions in my life, and following the Laidlaw Protocols, I am free from pain, endometriosis and all the other conditions I had.

And I feel very blessed and lucky to work as a coach and guide now for other women who struggle with endometriosis and their emotions. 

Today it brings me such joy to be able to support people and see the positive changes that they can make in their life. 

I have also seen my children thrive and grow massively by using my emotional tools and staying connected to themselves and their purpose.

I have to note that these are my children who multiple doctors and consultants told me I would and could never have.

I ultimately proved all of them wrong, as my mother had done. 

I have exciting plans to do much more to help women with endometriosis, and women and men with their emotions and passions.

Life is not meant to be filled with suffering, pain and struggle and yet for the first 50 years of my life, that's what it was.

There will be some struggle and pain and that is where emotional empowerment comes in to help you guide you through tricky times and unpleasant feelings.

But there is also a lot of joy and things to notice and be gratefulf or.

So I feel very passionately about sharing my positive and healing message and helping as many people as possible.

And I want to empower you!

See how I can assist you below.
Now I recognise my sensitivity as my super power!

I am far more emotionally connected to myself compared to my old self who was chronincally depressed and on the verge of suicide at certain points of my life.

I have addressed many of the poisions in my life, and following the Laidlaw Protocols, I am free from pain, endometriosis and all the other conditions I had.

And I feel very blessed and lucky to work as a coach and guide now for other women who struggle with endometriosis and their emotions. 

Today it brings me such joy to be able to support people and see the positive changes that they can make in their life. 

I have also seen my children thrive and grow massively by using my emotional tools and staying connected to themselves and their purpose.

I have to note that these are my children who multiple doctors and consultants told me I would and could never have.

I ultimately proved all of them wrong, as my mother had done. 

I have exciting plans to do much more to help women with endometriosis, and women and men with their emotions and passions.

Life is not meant to be filled with suffering, pain and struggle and yet for the first 50 years of my life, that's what it was.

There will be some struggle and pain and that is where emotional empowerment comes in to help you guide you through tricky times and unpleasant feelings.

But there is also a lot of joy and things to notice and be gratefulf or.

So I feel very passionately about sharing my positive and healing message and helping as many people as possible.

And I want to empower you!

See how I can assist you below.
Embracing Emotions


The 21 Day Challenge


5 Weeks Embracing Emotions, Empathy & Energy Program


12 Months Embracing Emotions Academy


12 Months Embracing Emotions Academy


12 Months EndoBoss Academy Program


12 Weeks Entrepreneur Business Boost


12 Weeks Entrepreneur Business Boost


6 Weeks Podschool: Broadcast Your Podcast


5 Weeks Unleash Your Inner Picasso


Find Them On Amazon Or Barnes & Noble In A Variety Of languages!


"World's Leading Expert at Guiding Women With Endometriosis On How To Put Their Condition Into Remission Naturally"

Wendy is the world's #1 expert on healing endometriosis naturally. As a women's health pioneer, endometriosis health coach, she is the best in the world at helping women with endometriosis to heal naturally. As the CEO, Founder and Master Coach of HealEndometriosisNaturally, her mission is to help other women identify the root underlying causes of their endometriosis pain, the main 5 P's (poisons) and ultimately put the condition into remission.

But what makes Wendy 'qualified' to do such a thing?

Well, Wendy used to suffer from endometriosis for over 33 years. She became bedridden with the condition, and developed seven additional conditions including adenomyosis and chronic fatigue. Medical tests showed that she was near total organ failure...

After some eye-opening realisations and experiences Wendy started on a new journey of self discovery, retraining and relearning from her bed  on how to identify the root issues that were stopping the body's natural healing process. 

What enabled Wendy's body to end her endometriosis?

Over many months Wendy discovered FIVE core proponents and poisonous elements perpetuating the condition: produce, products, property, people and past. She refers to these as the 5 poisons. By addressing these, Wendy found her symptoms lessened slowly over 12 months.  Six years after starting her healing journey, Wendy remains pain-FREE, symptom-FREE and has put the  endometriosis and other conditions into remissions .

Read The Full Story >>

Connect with Wendy:


 Email Support for Endometriosis 

 483 Green Lanes, London, N13 4BS

Some Resources & Programs:

   EndoBoss® Academy & Coaching



Related Websites:

"The World's #1 Expert At Inspiring Women With Endometriosis On How To Put Their Condition Into Remission Naturally"

Copyright © 2024  |  All Rights Reserved
Click HERE to Contact Wendy K Laidlaw

No Advice

I am not a scientist nor a medical expert on endometriosis. I have read and studied a great deal on the subject, particularly in nutritional therapy and psychotherapy, but by no means exhaustively. What I bring to the table is over 30 years worth of my own healing journey experiences and processes that led to full recovery from the pain and symptoms of endometriosis (and adenomyosis).  

What I share are products and resources that have helped me on my journey but please note that no claims are made for legal purposes. What I describe is a multi-dimensional and pragmatic approach to recovering which worked well for me and changed my life. I am unable to make any claims for legal purposes and cannot promise it will work for every one, only that it worked for me. Although this process may not work for everyone, I hope and pray that it works for you, as it did for me and many women around the world, so you be free of this debilitating condition. Best healing wishes, Wendy K Laidlaw.

Special Notes

This website contains general information about medical conditions and treatments so please use this information responsibly. HealEndometriosisNaturally or Wendy K Laidlaw are not making any claims for legal purposes and cannot promise it will work for everyone, only that it worked for Wendy and now with other women around the world. The word 'heal' is used in the same way your body heals a cut, graze or burn. The information is not professional medical advice and should not be treated as such.

Professional Assistance

You must not rely solely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.


Nothing in this medical disclaimer will limit any of our liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law, or exclude any of our liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

Limitation of Warranties

The medical information on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. HealEndometriosisNaturally or Wendy K Laidlaw make no representations or warranties in relation to the medical information on this website. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, HealEndometriosisNaturally or Wendy K Laidlaw do not warrant that the medical information on this website will be constantly available, or available at all; or the medical information on this website is complete, true, accurate, up-to-date, or non-misleading. This information is in relation to her own experience and success.